5 Grooming Tips for guys as you get older
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Take colder showers
That's right fellas take colder showers! Even more so in the winter. If you have dry skin, having a cold shower is less irritating on the skin.
With age, your skin thins and becomes more fragile, and the fatty tissue just below the skin decreases e.g. you might bruise more easily. Decreased production of natural oils might make your skin drier. Wrinkles, age spots and small growths called skin tags are more common.
What you can do:
1. Finish your warm shower with cold water to close your pores
2. Use a natural bar of soap (we have our own formulated bar soap coming out soon. Signup to our newsletter at the bottom of this page.).
3. Use a moisturiser (we have this is in the works too)
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Use a pre-shaving or shaving oil
Your skin is going to start to thin and therefore you will be more prone to certain abnormalities when you shave like: Razor bumps, razor burn and ingrown hairs.
What you can do:
1. wash your face with a facial scrub or decent soap to remove dead skin cells
2. Don't shave as often e.g. every other day is fine.
3. Use our Shaving Oil either as a pre-shave oil for less iteration, burn if you have sensitive skin or as a replacement to your shaving gel. The oil will also act as a moisturiser post shave.
3. Apply a moisturiser or ideally shea butter (our Beard Balm is excellent for this if you can’t find the raw stuff).
4. Finally use an aftershave! aftershave kills off bacteria getting into your pores after shaving. You could try some of our aftershave tonic, it's less harsh than an aftershave, smells great and does the job you need.
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Shave your neck!
We are all getting older so no need to draw people's attention to the gorilla hair growing on our backs!
Shave your neck once a week, that’ll save you a little more time before having to go back to the barber.
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Remove nose & Ear hair
Nose & ear hair is going to grow faster as you get older.
I'm sure you have seen it on other older men so don't be that guy.
What you can do:
Buy a nose and ear hair trimmer. There are lots of different types out there and you don't need to spend a ton of money on one.
If nose hair is your only issue right now don't pluck it. you don't have to buy a trimmer to get rid of this but don't pluck them. This will only lead to infection. Use a nail scissors (not a nail clippers).
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Last but not least do something about your uni-brow!
Got a bit of a unibrow going on??
Don’t shave it, pluck it!
This will reduce the growth rather than promote it like shaving it would. Don’t like the pain of it?? Try plucking the hair in the direction that it's growing. That’ll help but if that's still too painful.
Man up and get on with it!