Getting a Vasectomy? Don’t forget your shaving oil and beard oil
After reading the title of this blog you may be asking yourself the reasonable question, what has shaving oil and beard oil got to do with vasectomies? You may even be wondering what a blog about vasectomies is doing on a male grooming products website? Furthermore, you may be pondering when this blog introduction is going to stop posing hypothetical questions and get on with it. The answer to the latter is now.
There is no elegant way to put this, so I'm just going to say it. I Peter Kirwan: CEO of the Dublin Grooming Co. and under-15s community-games silver medallist, have recently got a vasectomy.
If you’re a man, even reading the word vasectomy has likely made you cross your legs and wince.
I understand. Vasectomies are a squirm-inducing topic. No matter how minimally invasive the procedure has become in modern times, we're still talking about surgical equipment fiddling around in the most sensitive part of your anatomy.
If you weren't squirming before, I'm sure that last sentence made you cup your balls like a defender before a free-kick. If you're reading this in the hope of feeling a little better about getting a vasectomy, I've got some bad news for you.
Getting a vasectomy is feckin’ crap but in my case at least it was feckin’ necessary.
I’m a married man with three wonderful kids, who is approaching 40. After numerous conversations with my wife, we decided that it was time for my ball’s glittering career to come to an end. Unfortunately, the end of a scrotum’s career isn’t marked with champagne and a number being retired, a scrotum's career ends on the tip of a scalpel.
I got my vasectomy a few weeks ago. Now that I've gone through the procedure and the recovery, I feel I can give an honest account of my experiences. And share a few tips to make the whole getting-your-vas-deferens-plugged thing that little bit easier. Also, I hope to demonstrate how some of our male grooming products helped me avoid unnecessary pain.